Thursday, December 22, 2016

Train from Kochi

I know I already posted about the train ride going TO Kochi, but it really was a scenic trip.  This time I was ready with my camera, but it was still difficult to photograph the sights as they flew by from the fast-moving diesel train.

This mountainous town appeared from behind a hillside, and we slowed long enough for a decent picture.  I liked the terraced homes, which often surprised us at different bends along the way.  The road on the high right has a yellow warning sign that said, "11% grade."

Often times, I felt like I was back home, traveling alongside the Yuba River.

There was a road for cars too, sometimes running alongside the train tracks that we were using.

I wished that the sun was as bright on this stretch as it was when we first saw it on the Kochi-bound trip, a few days before.  When we broke away from the mountains and the waterways came into view, it was clear who were tourists and who were locals.  All tourists gave an involuntary gasp of wonder (all together), stood up in the train car, and began hopping from one side's windows to the other.  Although a bit foggy, I still managed to snap a few pictures of the shipyards, beaches, resort hotels, and islands from on the train bridge.

This picture shows the bridge we are on, as it makes a bend.  It also has a reflection of the train car seats, which were very comfortable and quite spacious on the legroom.

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